Friday, May 10, 2013

Una americana dos bloggers

?Hola! Aqu? estamos de nuevo junto con Annabelle de Vivaluxury. Seguramente a estas alturas ya la conozc?is, pero para las que os pille de nuevas, aqu? os dejo enlaces (aqu? y aqu? y los de Annabelle aqu? y aqu?) a nuestros anteriores posts juntas.? Para el reto de esta ocasi?n, pens? en hacerlo de la mano de The Extreme Collection. A Annabelle le encantan las americanas y el color y a m? me encanta TEC as? que ten?amos el mix perfecto. Elegimos esta americana en un color azul intenso y con detalles en dorado. Los dise?os de TEC tienen una fabricaci?n artesanal y, a parte de que sientan como un guante, est?n llenos de detalles. ?Hab?is tenido alguna vez una americana de TEC en la mano? Cuando la teng?is entender?is a qu? me refiero. Vamos en primer lugar con mi look.? Hello! Here we go with a new post with Annabelle from Vivaluxury. At this point many of you may know her from previous post together but for those of you that may not know what I am talking about, here I leave you the links to our previous posts together (here and here; and Vivaluxury?s here and here).? For this time challenge, I though we could partner with The Extreme Collection. Annabelle loves blazers and colors and I love TEC, so it was the perfect match. We chose this colorful blue jacket with golden details. TEC designs are beautiful hand made in Spain and their jackets are full of amazing little details. If you ever had one in your hand you know what I am talking about. Let?s go in the first place with my look.
The skirt I am wearing is my new favorite. For those who keep track of all my favorite clothes, I wanted to let you know that they remain in the top lists for around two weeks and then start falling? That is the reason why I have so many favorites! ???  photo The_extreme_collection-balamoda2-vivaluxury-77_zps5d96c295.jpg photo The_extreme_collection-balamoda-vivaluxury00_zpsb876ffb6.jpg photo The_extreme_collection-balamoda2-vivaluxury-99_zpsb27dd4b9.jpg photo The_extreme_collection-balamoda2-vivaluxury-22_zpsb4318db0.jpg

U?as/ Nail Polish: AntiBleak? de O.P.I.

Y ahora vamos con el look de Annabelle. Me encanta su combinaci?n. Es totalmente informal y con mucho estilo. Las sandalias bicolores como la chaqueta me parecen ideales. Las dos hemos elegido prendas cortas en la parte de abajo: unos shorts y una mini. Creo que lo hemos hecho inconscientemente para quitarle formalidad a la americana. Y las dos hemos optado por camiseta blanca para no recargar la parte de arriba. Es curioso que al final siempre solemos coincidir en los conceptos dentro de que cada una hacemos looks muy diferentes.?

No dej?is de pasaros por el blog de Vivalxury para ver el resto de fotos de Annabelle y otras m?as. Le pod?is seguir a trav?s de Twitter, Facebook o Instagram (@vivaluxuryblog) ?Espero que os guste!?

Now let?s move into Annabelle?s look. I love it! It is a very casual and stylish one. I love the way she plays with a two toned sandal to match the two colors blazer. Both of us chose a shorter piece at the bottom: a short and a mini skirt. I think we both wanted to dress the jacket down. And both decided to use a white plain t-shirt under the jacket to keep it simple and let the jacket speak on its own. It is funny how Annabelle and I happen to agree in similar Concepts although each of us create very different looks.?

Don?t forget to stop by Vivaluxury blog to see all pictures from Annabelle. You can follow her on her Twitter, Facebook and Instagram (@vivaluxuryblog). I hope you liked it! ? photo Annabelle1_zps6e84a53c.jpg photo Annabelle2_zps8016c3d6.jpg


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