Every student requirements to identify a college that they can go to if all else fails. This would be a safety college or a safety net to fall back on. At times issues just do not go your way. If this happens, you must have a backup plan in spot and implement it immediately. Even the worst college in the planet is far better than no college at all. Don?t let your pride get in the way of your future.
There could be various difficulties you run into. Let?s say college A has currently filled their freshman class. Let?s say college B ends being too costly and you can not afford to go. Let?s say college C does not accept your monetary help since your parents make too significantly money and you do not qualify. Let?s say college D as a minimum GPA requirement of three.5 that they will not budge from. You finish up obtaining a C in your senior chemistry class in your GPA is 3.4. The likelihood of all these scenarios happening at as soon as is nearly zero. Nonetheless, if all the scenarios above should occur, you should have a backup strategy in location.
All students want to have a backup strategy that they can immediately implement. Your backup strategy may be a community college 50 miles away from residence. You also may consider a nearby four year college that excepts all applicants until they are full. Another alternative you might consider would be attending a two-year school or a technical college to just take simple classes. You can transfer most simple classes to the 4 year University of your option. Go and get some classes out of the way and then reapply next year. Do any and every thing required to make sure you get accepted into your college of option the subsequent time you apply. Make pals with the admission officers. Speak to them frequently and tell them what is going on in your life and that you are ready to come to their college. Make it take place! By failing to plan, you strategy to fail.
Source: http://www.bnr.co/reference-and-education/college-university/backup-program-for-college/
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