Friday, May 18, 2012

Music Industry Exposed: Music As an Art and an Entertainment

When w? were kids, our parents made ?t a point t? expose us t? ? lot of things. They made u? sing, dance ballet, act, play instruments, join art classes and man? more. Our exposure to arts ?nd entertainment deviate our attention fr?m the structured lessons w? learn ?n class. Aside fr?m developing ?ur cognitive abilities, ?t is important that w? work ?n honing our creativity and motor skills. Being a well-rounded person is a good thing. It all?ws us to adjust t? our environment ?nd relate well to ?ur peers.

Arts and entertainment covers a broad area, ?t includes music, literature, television, theater, visual arts and man? more. It i? everyth?ng that stimulates wh?t w? see, what w? feel ?nd what we hear. The people who came before us left beautiful masterpieces, whi?h ?hould inspire u? to do better.

At present, modernization ha? paved th? w?? of doing the impossible. People ?re driven t? achieve m?r? be?au?e things ?re ?ne click away. Books are ??n be bought online, movies are ?v?ilable in DVD's ?nd music updates are v?ry accessible. Technology may h?ve taken over, but ?t ?ann?t b? denied th?t ?v?ryth?ng th?t we h?v? r?ght n?w ?? ? product ?f man's creativity. This is ? good thing be?ause ? lot ?f young people ?re into it. They enjoy immersing thems?lv?s ?n wh?t they ??? ?n TV ?nd on listening to the?r favorite songs from the?r playlists. One ?f the artists th?t ?r? loved b? most of them ?? Jason Derulo.

A singer and ? songwriter born ?n Miami, Jason Derulo h?? succeeded ?n making hims?lf known ?n hit charts ?l?ng with other famous performers. The songs th?t he released from h?s present album wer? ? major hit that ?very?ne i? l?ok?ng forward t? hi? upcoming projects. His fans ar? excited t? collect stuff l?ke Jason Derulo "autographed" photos that the? ?an k??p a? a memorabilia or post ?n th??r walls. In fact, m??t ?f them enjoy joining contests wh?re they can show h?w mu?h they love and enjoy h?s music. A big thanks to technology; the?e activities can be accessible to ?veryone who ?s w?lling t? join in th? craze.

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